Terms of Services

Terms & Conditions for Users

Before getting to this site, you are consenting to be limited by these site Terms and Conditions of Use, every single appropriate law, and guidelines, and concur that you are answerable for consistency with any material neighborhood laws. If you disagree with any of these terms, you are restricted from utilizing or getting to this site.

UNITED EXCHAND GROUP PLC (UNEG PLC) is a public limited Company in line with article 385 of the Uniform Act on Commercial Companies, in Cameroon with business registration Number TPPRR/RC/LBE/2021/B/0371 of 13/10/2021. Our core business is Money Transfer and exchange. We provide a service that allows you, as an authorized customer of our service, to deposit, withdraw, p2p transfer, transfer to other banks and more  from every computer or phone in the world and also send money to recipients (or receivers) in those parts of the world where our distribution network is active. If you (as the sender of the money remittance) use our service, a contractual relationship shall be established between yourself and UNEG in accordance with the Laws of Cameroon. This contractual relationship does not include the receiver, who is not a customer of UNEG.


Whenever you have downloaded our apps or open this website, you may get in touch with us for help through email and we will give a valiant effort to determine your issue. We will attempt to answer using the Email or ticket for more modest bug fixes, after which we will refresh the center bundle. Content help is offered to confirmed clients by Tickets as it were. Backing demands made by email and Livechat.


We gives you guarantee or assurance of your money being save or invested in this site.

Unauthorized/Illegal Usage

You may not utilize our things for any illicit or unapproved reason or may you, in the utilization of the stage, disregard any laws in your locale (counting yet not restricted to copyright laws) just as the laws of your nation and International law. Specifically, it is disallowed to utilize the things on our foundation for pages that advance: brutality, illegal intimidation, hard sexual entertainment, bigotry, obscenity content or warez programming joins.

You can't imitate, copy, duplicate, sell, exchange or adventure any of our segment, utilization of the offered on our things, or admittance to the administration of our site

We are the only people in control of our site.

Payment/Refund Policy

No refund or cash back will be made. After a deposit has been finished, it is extremely unlikely to invert it. You should utilize your equilibrium on withdrawal, investment, p2p transfer and more. You concur that once you complete a deposit, you won't document a debate or a chargeback against us in any way, shape, or form.

If you document a debate or chargeback against us after a deposit, we claim all authority to end every single future request, prohibit you from our site. False action, for example, utilizing unapproved or taken charge cards will prompt the end of your record. There are no special cases.

Free Balance / Coupon Policy

We offer numerous approaches to get FREE Balance, Coupons affiliate and Deposit offers yet we generally reserve the privilege to audit it and deduct it from your record offset with any explanation we may it is a sort of misuse. If we choose to deduct a few or all of free Balance from your record balance, and your record balance becomes negative, at that point the record will naturally be suspended. If your record is suspended because of a negative Balance you can request to make a custom payment to settle your equilibrium to actuate your record.

What About Transaction done?

Any transaction done at the level of the company is recognize and approved. But if a user transact outside the platform like sending funds to a user or someone who says he/she works for us in exchange for deposit or any other transaction is not recognize. Make sure you follow the deposit, withdrawal, transfers on your own or with a customer service.